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~*~EVENTS~*~ Empty ~*~EVENTS~*~

Post  Tyson Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:47 am

For the brave and faint hearted there is the BRONC RIDING:(bare back and saddle ridden)
bucking wild horses with no saddle or bridle. The rider holds on with one hand only for at least 8 seconds.
~*~EVENTS~*~ Newsstampede
~*~EVENTS~*~ Rodeo
~*~EVENTS~*~ Bronc1062

For the tough and brain...less the BULL RIDING:
cowboy rides wild bulls with only one hand holding a rope around the bull's chest for at least 8 seconds. Clowns keep bulls away from fallen riders, otherwise the bulls would hurt or kill them.
~*~EVENTS~*~ Rodeo-bull-riding
~*~EVENTS~*~ 339183MrUQ_w

This event is loved not only by adults but the kids get in with the young steers
Junior Steer Riding

Open to junior contestants 15 years old and under, Junior Steer Riders must have the reflexes and the body control of a gymnast if they hope to be successful. A Junior Steer Rider stays on by means of a flat braided rope with a loose handhold, which he may hold onto with either one or two hands. If riding with one, he may not touch himself or the animal during the course of the ride, or they will be
disqualified. Using his grip and a little dry resin, he keeps that rope tight around the girth of the Steer, just behind the front legs. Junior Steer Riders are not required to "mark out" the Steer or spur at all times, but they increase their scores if they do. Once the rider is unseated, whether by his choice or the Steer's, the bullfighters move in to distract the Steer, allowing the cowboy to get to safety.
~*~EVENTS~*~ Steer-large
~*~EVENTS~*~ 340x

TIE DOWN ROPING: lassooing the calf then falling its body to the ground and while its legs are flying in all directions the competitor must tie three of the four legs together then throw his or hands in the air, made easy by a good horse.
~*~EVENTS~*~ Calf-roping
~*~EVENTS~*~ 584-rodeo-whitifield-cp07

Steer wrestling : TEAM SPORT
~*~EVENTS~*~ Rodeo_kaupoai
~*~EVENTS~*~ Doggin

TEAM ROPING: two riders one lasso the head, preferably the horns, the other the hind ankles. care MUST be taken to ensure a clean throw, If he only catches one hind foot, the team receives a five second penalty. The time stops when both ropes are tight, and the cowboys' horses are facing each other.

~*~EVENTS~*~ Team%20Roping

In barrel racing, the contestant enters the arena at full speed on a sprinting horse. As she enters, she triggers an electronic eye that starts the clock. Then the racer rides a cloverleaf pattern around the three barrels and sprints back out of the arena, tripping the eye and stopping the clock. If the contestant overturns the barrel she receives a 5 second penalty.
~*~EVENTS~*~ Barrel
~*~EVENTS~*~ Barrel-Racing-Szmurlo

Breakaway Roping:
Open to all cowgirls and junior contestants 15 years old and under, Break-away Roping can be the fastest event in a rodeo. The calf is given a predetermined head start, and the roper and their horse follow in pursuit. Once in the prime "position" (one stride behind the calf and slightly to it's left), the roper delivers their loop, attempting a solid head catch. In an instant following the delivery, the roper pulls the slack from the rope and promptly stops the horse. The tail end of the rope is fastened to the saddle with string, and has a flag tied to it as well. Once the rope goes taught, it breaks free from the saddle, and the field judge drops the flag to signal the end of the run. Should the rope pass over the calf's head and catch a leg or other part of the body in the loop as opposed to a solid neck catch, the roper is assessed a 5 second penalty.

~*~EVENTS~*~ Break
~*~EVENTS~*~ Heatherthoffcv.jpg.w300h338

Junior Barrel Racing

Open to junior contestants 15 years old and under, the contestant enters the arena at full speed on a sprinting horse. As he or she enters, he or she triggers an electronic eye that starts the clock. Then the racer rides a cloverleaf pattern around the three barrels and sprints back out of the arena, tripping the eye and stopping the clock. If the contestant overturns the barrel he or she receives a 5 second penalty

~*~EVENTS~*~ DSCN0062
~*~EVENTS~*~ Will0361-2_otz1
~*~EVENTS~*~ Mornowar2

Posts : 665
Join date : 2009-01-19

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~*~EVENTS~*~ Empty Re: ~*~EVENTS~*~

Post  Tyson Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:11 am

Kids get in on the action with a variety of events:
~*~EVENTS~*~ Scr-lbrodeo2005-99
~*~EVENTS~*~ Scr-lbrodeo2005-51
~*~EVENTS~*~ Rodeo

Posts : 665
Join date : 2009-01-19

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